BLOG: O antiphons
Come, Flower of Jesse’s stem, sign of God’s love for all his people: save us without delay! When I think of this antiphon I can’t help but think of Mary. In fact, I would consider that this O Antiphon, O Radix Jesse, is inseparable from Mary. But O Radix Jesse, Root of Jesse, is a more
O Adonai
Maria Montemayor
December 18, 2022
Come, Leader of ancient Israel, giver of the Law to Moses on Sinai: rescue us with your mighty power! “Adonai” means “my Lord,” and is an ancient title of God. The Antiphon prayer reflects on God who spoke to Moses by the burning bush and gave him the Ten Commandments. A few months ago, I more
Come, Wisdom of our God Most High, guiding creation with power and love: teach us to walk in the path of knowledge! How do we know what’s right? How do we know what’s real? Or true? Philosophers, theologians, scientists and everyone else under the sun have asked those questions since humans became capable of asking more
As we draw near to the coming of Our Lord over the next few days, we’ll be unveiling a series of images and blog posts with Latin titles. The series reflects on the set of “O Antiphons,” ancient prayers for the final phase of the Advent season. December 17: O Sapientia, “Wisdom” December 18: O Adonai, “Lord more
From December 17-23, I’d like to share with you these antiphons, that you will pray with them and they will help you continue to prepare for the Advent of our Lord. May they become part of your Advent tradition as they are becoming part of mine. For December 23, the antiphon is based on Isaiah more
From December 17-23, I’d like to share with you these antiphons, that you will pray with them and they will help you continue to prepare for the Advent of our Lord. May they become part of your Advent tradition as they are becoming part of mine. For December 22, the antiphon is based on Isaiah more